PNL Outplacement Training®
In this perspective of professional transition, we offer all our competences exclusively through taylor-made services, with allows us to go far beyond the usual expectations in outplacement matters.
We have designed the PNL Outplacement Training® program in order to set relevant strategies to the individual’s career management and the labour market. This systemic approach is closely fitted to the individual’s life choices and his active and dormant resources. It is carried out by at least one analyst through personal interviews and it is based on a behavioural analysis in the three pillars of life (professional, personal and social). On next page are listed the four stages of our outplacement services.
- 1.Outlet and stabilisation phase. Provides a situational analysis on both factual and emotional levels as well as an understanding and an acceptance of the transition. Canalisation of emotional dynamics towards positive and constructive action.
- 2.Competence portfolio. Identification of job-related, global and absolute competences. Evaluation of the potential and analysis of coherence between objectives and individual values. Upon request, a detailed synthesis can be handed over to the beneficiary and commented.
- 3.Definition of both professional objectives and realistic strategies matching the individual’s life choices and personality.
- 4.Coaching of competence and coaching of performance based on the objectives defined (cf. coaching of competence and coaching of performance).
Pendant toute la durée de la prestation, l’usager est en ligne directe avec ses intervenants et dispose d’un contact permanent avec ceux-ci. Un bureau entièrement équipe est mis à sa disposition.
PNL Outplacement Training® est une marque du Groupe Equidem.