Labour law training
Work is one of the essential components of our society and its regulation represents an essential aspect of the social balance. It is an instrument of both the company and its management. The conditions, the relation and the working environment have to be dynamic. The law constantly evolves and the work contracts must be adapted. The Swiss labour law is based on various legislative sources, the legal precedents are an important mean of interpretation and the disputes are becoming more complex. In the legal field, confusion can rapidly induce prejudice. In order to design the best solutions and above all, to prevent problems, we provide a juridical support in labour law:
- Labour law training:
A training in public and labour law is made up of two different parts. The first one is dedicated to an overview of the norms, the systems and the procedures applied in Switzerland. We propose to view in particular the individual work contract under private law, the federal labour law of 13th March 1964, undeclared work and trade unionism issues, the importance of collective labour agreements and the two systems pertaining to public law : the Confederation’s employees and the holders of a function of public service in Canton de Neuchâtel.The second part is dedicated to a detailed analysis of the code of obligations’ rules in the individual work contract (art. 319ss CO), such as employees’ and employer’s obligations or end of work relations. - A training on specific issues such as psychological harassment, security, control, usual documents, etc.